Overall, it's been great and we've had a lot less diaper rash and no leaks overnight. Occasionally, we have a leaky wet diaper, but that is usually my fault for not changing him sooner. Basically, I rinse out the diapers every evening and put them back in the diaper pail with the washable pail liner until it's time to wash.
I put them in the wash and then line dry the diaper shells and put the inserts in the dryer. Any inserts that are looking a little yellow get laid out on the drying rack as well so the sun will fade the stains.

When I am out, I put the used diapers in a small wetbag I carry in my diaper bag. I can fit about 4 or 5 diapers in it. It holds the moisture and smell in and can go in the wash with the diapers.
After they are washed, I stuff the diapers and put them in a bin under the changing table so they are ready to use when I need to change Henry.
He seems to love them!