
Henry Weston

Our sweet baby boy made his entrance into this world(finally!) on July 2nd. I chose not to be induced with hopes of going into labor on my own, and I finally did while I was at Target with my mom and sister. A storm came through Friday night and knocked out our power, so by Saturday evening it was quite warm in our house. And there is always something to be bought at Target. I realized my contractions getting harder and more regular as the evening progressed so I started timing them. Sure enough, they were around 6 minutes apart. Saturday night they got closer together and more painful so by Sunday morning I decided it was time to go to the hospital. I was hoping to stay at the hospital because we still didn't have power and it was so stinking hot at our house, but even though I had been having regular contractions for quite a while by then, I still wasn't dialated at all so they told us to go home. All Sunday I had contractions and tried to rest, but that is hard to do when your house is 80 degrees. I kept trying to eat and drink, but everything kept coming back up. By Sunday evening, I couldn't handle the constant contractions and I had no energy from being up all night already and not being able to keep any food down. We went to the hospital again and I was finally at 1 cm and 70% so they admitted me. I got an IV for fluids. They gave me some pain killers in my IV so I could sleep a bit and I felt much better. I think they gave me the pain killers again a few hours later so I could try to sleep a bit more. After that it was game on for labor. I labored all Monday and got to 9 cm. I stayed there for a while so I asked my doctor to break my water to help me get to a 10. Once I was at a 10, I pushed for more than 4 hours but little man just wouldn't fit so we went in for a c section. In the operating room when they put him on the scale, it said he weighed 10 lbs 1 oz. I couldn't believe it!!!! A few hours later when they weighed him in the nursery he was 8 lbs 3 oz. So obviously the scale in the operating room was wrong, but he was still a pretty big baby! Overall, it was a little disappointing to have to have a c section, but I am thankful for modern medicine and I am glad I was able to do what I wanted to do which was go into labor on my own and do it naturally with no epidural. So glad Henry is here and happy and healthy. We love him so much!