We decided to go to North Carolina for Thanksgiving this year since we were in Utah with my family last year. Kevin's parents house just recently was finished with all the remodeling they did. So we were really excited to see it and we thought it would be a good time to bring a bunch of their stuff down to them. We drove Kevin's truck and it was squishy and a long car ride, but we made it. Kevin's mom called like the day before to tell me that they were sick and maybe we should rethink coming or not. But I was not about to not go because it took FOREVER to pack up the stinking truck so there was no way in heck I was not going after Kevin did all that work. We planned on leaving Wednesday evening, but we ended up not leaving until Thursday morning. We got there right as everyone was sitting down to eat. Looking like a bunch of bums, I might add. But we made it and had a nice time seeing family. I know this was Henry's first Thanksgiving, but unfortunately, I was feeling like poo and looking like poo and we were so tired and ragged that there were not many pictures taken. And of the ones that were taken, no good ones at that. We came home on Sunday, so it was a rather quick trip. And all three of us caught the nasty cold. Lesson learned. Next time people say they are sick= don't go. We were recovering from it until just a few days ago. But we are happy we went and were able to spend time with family.

How many looks do you think we got? White trash to the max!!!
Pretty proud of his tie down job. And looking like a train reck, I must say. We were so tired...
On our way! (Side note: For those wondering, I pumped beforehand and fed him bottles so we only stopped once each way to use the bathroom and change a diaper.)
Hopefully next Thanksgiving we will have more pictures and be looking a little more put together. It's the memories that count though, right?
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