
4 months

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but where does the time go? I can't believe our little munchkin is 4 months old already. As Kevin said it, "1/3 of a year old!" Which just made me sad to think about. How can he be 1/3 of the way to a year old already?!? I love babies at all stages and always have, even that newborn stage when all they do is sleep all day. But I honestly feel like I am enjoying Henry at this age so much more than I have in the previous months and stages. He is so much more interactive and his personality is just so much fun. I love being a mommy to this cute little man.
His personality is really starting to come out in his pictures and it is so fun to watch him make faces at me while I try to take pictures of him.
At 4 months Henry is---
-not yet rolling over. Little stinker.
-16 pounds(70%) Taking after his daddy in that category.
-sleeping through the night(11 hours) on most nights. If only I would go to bed at a decent hour now. Hmmm...
-has started smiling and talking to himself in the mirror.
-is always trying to put things in his mouth. Whether it's his hands, your hands(or face), his toys, or blankets, he is always trying to chew on something. Just the other day a lady asked if he was teething because he was chewing on Kevin's hand. Nope. He just likes to chew!
-hating his car seat and riding in the car in general. I think we are going to get him a bigger rear facing seat and graduate out of the baby seat since he only stays in it in the car anyways.
-laughing. But only when he is really tired. You have to work to get this kid to laugh!!!
-is super ticklish, but doesn't really laugh. Just holds his breath until you stop tickling.
-loves to watch Penelope and is starting to follow her around in his walker. Sometimes she tries to eat his hand and he just looks at her wondering what the heck she is doing. Don't worry, I always wipe his hand off after she does that. I'll have to try to get a video sometime.
-is in mostly 6 month clothes. The cloth diapers add some bulk, so his jeans and pants fit really snug. 6 month fit easier, but are a little long.
-absolutely loves his papa. He loves balancing on Kevin's hand and will always stop crying if Kevin does that.
We dressed him up as Yoda for Halloween and took lots of pictures even though we didn't really do anything special. Kevin's family has a family calendar, so I knew we'd have to at least get some for that and for memories sake. (Yes Michele, you can steal pictures off my blog when I fail to get you any others for the calendar)

May the force be with you. And stuff.

1 comment:

CaylaJo said...

aren't they so much fun?! i love his costume. what a cute idea :)